Matt gladly awards MICHAEL LINDSEY Hero of The Year Award!!! Congrats Mike!!! LMAO
Hello people and welcome to episode 1.3! Yet again it's another episode of with just Matt and Sam. Sam jumped right into his review of Gangster High a Korean movie from 2006 as Matt went over Kaze no Yojimbo an anime that aired from 2001-2002. Our group review was one of our buried treasures from a couple of episodes ago, Arm of Kannon. As you listen to this episode you will hear various sounds in the background such as mouse clicks. Mainly, because Matt and I aren't pro at editing and we like browsing the internet and having random rants while we make fun of the looks of voice actors lol.
Opening Theme: "Dogfight" by M.O.V.E. (Inital D Fourth Stage opening song)
Ending Theme: "Alones" by Aqua Timez (6th Bleach opening song)
(right click and save as or click and listen through your browser with Quicktime)
Remember to email us at: ani.dictators@gmail.com